Friday, January 22, 2010

A Little Night Music

After singing Lily "Twinkle Twinkle" for the millionth time, I decided I need to expand my repertoire of lullabies. So once again, I caved to my Pandora and iTunes addictions, and while Baby L. napped, I explored children's music and rediscovered some old favorites, like Ella Jenkins, and Free To Be You and Me, and came across some newer faves!

Heather Forest uses a fantastic mix of old school storytelling and music to tell classics like "The Mitten," "City Mouse and Country Mouse," and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." Her storytelling voice reminded me of my first grade teacher, who used to play guitar and sing us songs like "This Land is Your Land" and "You Are My Sunshine." It's warm, lyrical, and inviting, just the kind of voice a first grade teacher ought to have. Not to mention, the stories themselves are just the thing for developing your child's developing sense of story and vocabulary! Have a listen: The Mitten: Ukrainian Folktale for Young Listeners.

Also, Check out Elizabeth Mitchell's music and you won't be disappointed. I highly recommend making an Elizabeth Mitchell Pandora station. In fact, while you're at it, download her albums on iTunes, so you can listen - and sing along to your little one - anytime! I especially love her album "You Are My Sunshine."

Renee & Jeremy's album "It's a Big World" is lovely and sweet. Just the thing to dance around the apartment to when the baby just needs a little extra mommy time before bed.

And may I suggest a Ladysmith Black Mambazo Pandora station while you're at it. "In the Jungle" puts L. to sleep every time.

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