Fostering a love of stories, music, poetry, books, words, and more for babies, toddlers, and little kids.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
This Is It! Last Day of March...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Baby's Rainy Day Play List
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Life-After-Baby for Doggy: Another Small Moment
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Blogging Awards!
Thanks sooooo much to the blog, Life of a Modern Mom for choosing Tiny Reader for two blog awards! What a HUGE compliment! In exchange for having been selected, I have been asked to pay it forward by selecting my own favorite blogs. And the winners are... (drum roll, please...):

1. a boy, a book, and a dog
2. The Literary Family
3. Two Writing Teachers
4. Mermaids on Parade
5. Dumb Mommy
6. Two Blue Lemons
7. The Reading Zone
8. The Well-Read Child
9. I.N.K. (Interesting Nonfiction for Kids)
10. Poetry for Children
11. The Brooklyn Tart
12. A Year of Reading
13. Baby to Green
14. Literacy Toolbox
15. Teaching Authors: Six Children's Book Authors Who Also Teach Writing
Friday, March 26, 2010
Playing With Food: A Small Moment

“Oh boy! Peas!” I sing to Baby L. as I fly her special infant spoon in for a landing, right between her little pink lips.
She leans forward, eager for the pureed peas.
“Mmmmm, yummy!” I say.
The peas disappear into her tiny mouth for a second. She looks straight at me, pauses to consider the peas, and then furrows her brow. The peas reappear, dripping out of her mouth slowly, onto her bib.
Then she suddenly lights up and lets out a screetch of delight. She reaches her hands out and leans forward slowly, searching out another bite.
“Want some more?” As I scoop out another little bite of peas, I laugh as she bends her head down carefully to suck on the tray of her highchair without bonking her head.
“Lily… want some more? Yummy yummy bright green peas!” I say.
She takes the spoon in her mouth and sucks vigorously. She looks confused for a second. The peas are gone. She smiles a gummy smile, just for me (and the peas). Success.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Brooklyn Author Melanie Hope Greenberg!

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Top Ten Things to Do With a Five-Month-Old on a Rainy Day

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
How to Play The Woooooooooooooo! Game
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Love Letter to Todd Parr

Friday, March 5, 2010
Our Favorite Song Lately

The day is just as bright, the birds are singing too
You are my flower, that's blooming there for me
And nature seems to say, it's all for you and me
You are my flower, that's blooming there for me
Forget your tears but don't forget to smile
You are my flower, that's blooming there for me
Just sing this song and say to one and all
You are my flower, that's blooming there for me